Become a member and, as part of a community, support our ongoing work. There are many ways in which you can support us, including reporting on cemeteries you visit, and volunteering as an Area Representative. Donations make a valuable contribution towards our work. Membership has many other exclusive features, including our lecture, meetings and events programme, our house journal Chowkidar, and the advice of our archivists in searching for graves.
Members only page. This gives access to benefits only available to members.
Members’ Area
Visits and other activities, which are only offered to members and their guests, can be booked online
Make a Booking
Podcasts of previous lectures in our lecture programme can be downloaded in this area.
The list of BACSA members is also available. If wishing to contact a fellow-member whose address or email address is not known to you, please send your letter or email to the Honorary Secretary who will forward it –